Frightened ForWords & Music by Carsten Nielsen


Sharp as Costello
Cool as Capone
Can you keep up that style
When you're alone?

I've known you always
There's something new
That I don't recognize in you

It's you I'm frightened for
You I'm frightened for

Smooth as a switchblade
Hard as a sword
A distance between us
a knot on the cord

No need to talk
if it can't be undone
It's not your fight
When it can't be won

It's you I'm frightened for
You I'm frightened for

I was supposed to hold and catch you
Help you up when something pushed you down
Instead I stopped, slipped, fell and failed
And dragged you out to see me drown

It's you I'm frightened for
You I'm frightened for

Memories of us
Of moments gone
You're a boy turned man
I'm a dad on the run

We cannot start over
Can't cure the loss
But maybe time together
Can help both of us

It's you I'm frightened for
You I'm frightened for
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